速報APP / 生活品味 / 4D Master

4D Master





版本需求:Android 2.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:101 Upper Cross Street, #07-12, People Park centre

4D Master(圖1)-速報App

This 4D Master App by Master Charles Chia is the enhanced version of the current 4D Toto Forecast App. Master Charles is the Founder, Publisher and Author of Singapore's most popular lottery magazine, 4D Winning Box for more than 21 years.

4D Master(圖2)-速報App

This is a 3-week free trial version especially for 4D enthusiasts. The Trial will last for 3 weeks. After which, it will revert to a free version with limited features. If you like the app, you may subscribe by paying a fee.

4D Master(圖3)-速報App

This enhanced App has these new functions: Part I consists of 4D Draw Results, Interactive 4D Analysis, Most Frequent 4Ds and Most OverDue 4Ds. Part II consists of Hits Summary, Special 4D Tips, Lucky Stars, 4 Boxes, Choice of The Month and 4D Master Special.

4D Master(圖4)-速報App

Unlike most Apps, which provide only 4D draw results, statistics and random numbers, this App gives both analyses and forecasts. The excellent results of the forecasts speak for themselves.

4D Master(圖5)-速報App

This user-friendly and intuitive 4D App will certainly give user a more useful and powerful tool in both 4D analysis and forecast.

4D Master(圖6)-速報App

Meanwhile, please give us your rating on this App and your valued feedback.

4D Master(圖7)-速報App

With Best of Luck!

Your Winning Partner,

4D Master Team